memorandum of association

memorandum of association
юр. австрал., англ. установчий договір акціонерного товариства; установчий договір юридичної особи; заявка на реєстрацію акціонерного товариства юридичний документ про створення акціонерного товариства, який оформляється засновниками і разом зі статутом акціонерного товариства (articles of association) становить конституцію (constitution) товариства; ♦ в установчому договорі акціонерного товариства містяться такі пункти: назва товариства; предмет і мета діяльності товариства; розмір дозволеного акціонерного капіталу (authorized capital); порядок розподілу прибутку (profit) і відшкодування збитків; склад і підписи засновників; місцезнаходження товариства і т. д.
to draw up a memorandum of association оформляти/оформити установчий договір акціонерного підприємства; to sign a memorandum of association підписувати/підписати установчий договір акціонерного підприємства
memorandum of association (англ., австрал.) :: certificate of incorporation (амер., канад.); memorandum of association ‡ constitution of a company (384)
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договір про заснування акціонерного товариства

The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. . 2002.

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Смотреть что такое "memorandum of association" в других словарях:

  • memorandum of association — The Memorandum of Association is the first constitutional document of a company containing fundamentals such as the name, the company s objects and powers, and its original share capital. In the past companies could avoid activities which fell… …   Law dictionary

  • Memorandum of association — The memorandum of association of a company, often simply called the memorandum (and then often capitalised as an abbreviation for the official name, which is a proper noun and usually includes other words), is the document that governs the… …   Wikipedia

  • memorandum of association — a legal document that lays down the objects of a registered company and details of the regulation of the company s business dealings. It is one of the two fundamental documents upon which registration of any company is based. See articles of… …   Financial and business terms

  • Memorandum of Association — A constitutional document of a company, detailing its name, its registered office, the fact that it has limited liability, its trading objects and other relevant facts. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary See also Articles of… …   Financial and business terms

  • memorandum of association — English law : a document resembling articles of association in the United States which in case of a company to be formed legally must be executed and filed to form the charter of the company * * * memorandum of association noun A legal document… …   Useful english dictionary

  • memorandum of association — An official document setting out the details of a company s existence. It must be signed by the first subscribers and must contain the following information (as it applies to the company in question): • the company name; • the address of the… …   Accounting dictionary

  • memorandum of association — An official document setting out the details of a company s existence. It must be signed by the first subscribers and must contain the following information: • the company name; • the address of the registered office; • the objects of the company …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • memorandum of association — noun a formal document constituting the charter of incorporation of a company …  

  • memorandum of association — Same as articles of incorporation …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • association — as‧so‧ci‧a‧tion [əˌsəʊsiˈeɪʆn, əˌsəʊʆi ǁ əˌsoʊ ] written abbreviation assn noun [countable] ORGANIZATIONS a group of people or organizations who have the same aims or do the same kind of work: • the National Association of Purchasing Managers… …   Financial and business terms

  • Memorandum — Memoranda redirects here. For the open source personal information manager software, see Memoranda (software). For the documentary of the same name, see Memorandum (film). For the record label, see Memorandum Recordings. A memorandum (abbrev.:… …   Wikipedia

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